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AMD Free Online Workshop

Designing with AMD Versal AI Engine:
Quick Start

performed by MindWay, an AMD Authorized Training Provider

May, 17th 2024

Start: 10AM - Language: ITALIAN

This FREE online workshop will provides hardware and firmware engineers with the knowledge to effectively utilize the AMD Versal™ AI Engine architecture and interfaces, programming the AI Engine (kernels and graphs), using the DSP Library, developing AI Engine designs using Vitis™ Model Composer, and debugging AI Engine applications.

The workshop emphasis will be on illustrating the AI Engine architecture and interfaces, describing the Vitis and AI Engine tool flow, programming the AI Engine with kernels and graphs, utilizing the Vitis DSP library, creating AI Engine designs using Vitis Model Composer and analyzing and debugging AI Engine applications.

After completing this Workshop attendees will have the necessary skills to:

  • Describe the Versal adaptive SoC and the architecture of the AI Engine
  • Identify the various interfaces available in the AI Engine tile
  • Explain the data movement and memory access structure of the AI Engine
  • Describe the toolchain for Versal AI Engine programming and the full application acceleration flow with the Vitis tool
  • Program the AI Engines for single and multiple kernels using graphs
  • Utilize the AI Engine DSP library and create a filter design in the Vitis IDE
  • Design a filter with the Vitis Model Composer AI Engine library
  • Debug and analyze AI Engine applications

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May, 17th 2024